8 research outputs found

    On the Impossibility of Basing Identity Based Encryption on Trapdoor Permutations

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    We ask whether an Identity Based Encryption (IBE) sys-tem can be built from simpler public-key primitives. We show that there is no black-box construction of IBE from Trapdoor Permutations (TDP) or even from Chosen Ci-phertext Secure Public Key Encryption (CCA-PKE). These black-box separation results are based on an essential prop-erty of IBE, namely that an IBE system is able to compress exponentially many public-keys into a short public parame-ters string. 1

    How powerful are the DDH hard groups?

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    The question whether Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) can be based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption is one of the most prominent questions in Cryptography related to DDH. We study limitations on the use of the DDH assumption in cryptographic constructions, and show that it is impossible to construct a secure Identity-Based Encryption system using, in a black box way, only the DDH (or similar) assumption about a group. Our impossibility result is set in the generic groups model, where we describe an attack on any IBE construction that relies on oracle access to the group operation of randomly labelled group elements -- a model that formalizes naturally DDH hardness. The vast majority of existing separation results typically give separation from general primitives, whereas we separate a primitive from a class of number theoretic hardness assumptions. Accordingly, we face challenges in creating an attack algorithm that will work against constructions which leverage the underlying algebraic structure of the group. In fact, we know that this algebraic structure is powerful enough to provide generic constructions for several powerful primitives including oblivious transfer and chosen ciphertext secure public-key cryptosystems (note that an IBE generalizes such systems). Technically, we explore statistical properties of the group algebra associated with a DDH oracle, which can be of independent interest

    Secure Computation with Sublinear Amortized Work

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    Traditional approaches to secure computation begin by representing the function ff being computed as a circuit. For any function~ff that depends on each of its inputs, this implies a protocol with complexity at least linear in the input size. In fact, linear running time is inherent for secure computation of non-trivial functions, since each party must ``touch\u27\u27 every bit of their input lest information about other party\u27s input be leaked. This seems to rule out many interesting applications of secure computation in scenarios where at least one of the inputs is huge and sublinear-time algorithms can be utilized in the insecure setting; private database search is a prime example. We present an approach to secure two-party computation that yields sublinear-time protocols, in an amortized sense, for functions that can be computed in sublinear time on a random access machine~(RAM). Furthermore, a party whose input is ``small\u27\u27 is required to maintain only small state. We provide a generic protocol that achieves the claimed complexity, based on any oblivious RAM and any protocol for secure two-party computation. We then present an optimized version of this protocol, where generic secure two-party computation is used only for evaluating a small number of simple operations

    CCA2 Secure IBE: Standard Model Efficiency through Authenticated Symmetric Encryption

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    We propose two constructions of chosen-ciphertext secure identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Our schemes have a security proof in the standard model, yet they offer performance competitive with all known random-oracle based schemes. The efficiency improvement is obtained by combining modifications of the IBE schemes by Waters [41] and Gentry [23] with authenticated symmetric encryption

    Verifiable delegation of computation over large datasets

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    We study the problem of computing on large datasets that are stored on an untrusted server. We follow the approach of amortized verifiable computation introduced by Gennaro, Gentry, and Parno in CRYPTO 2010. We present the first practical verifiable computation scheme for high degree polynomial functions. Such functions can be used, for example, to make predictions based on polynomials fitted to a large number of sample points in an experiment. In addition to the many non-cryptographic applications of delegating high degree polynomials, we use our verifiable computation scheme to obtain new solutions for verifiable keyword search, and proofs of retrievability. Our constructions are based on the DDH assumption and its variants, and achieve adaptive security, which was left as an open problem by Gennaro et al (albeit for general functionalities). Our second result is a primitive which we call a verifiable database (VDB). Here, a weak client outsources a large table to an untrusted server, and makes retrieval and update queries. For each query, the server provides a response and a proof that the response was computed correctly. The goal is to minimize the resources required by the client. This is made particularly challenging if the number of update queries is unbounded. We present a VDB scheme based on the hardness of the subgrou